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Look around you, where is your nearest fire exit?

Is it this way? Is it that way? Is it up or down? Without signage you are left wondering.

Fire evacuation routes must be clearly signed to show the most direct and safest route out of the building to a clearly marked fire assembly point.  Ask yourself if someone visits your building – is it clearly signed so that somebody who doesn’t know the building would be able to find their way out in the event of an emergency? They may arrive at the fire exit, but is it clear of items, is it obvious how to operate the door and then where do you go when you are out the building?

Not sure if your buildings are up to speed with the current signage? Karntek offer safety sign audits for all types of building portfolios giving you a clear record of what is missing, what is worn and what needs updated.

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Frequently asked questions

What is dynamic signage?

Dynamic signage is a great but relatively new product which shows where a fire exit route has been cut off due to an outbreak of fire. These can often be found in shopping centres and other large public places which guide people away from an exit route that may be cut off and lead them to another safe exit of the building.

What are the four colours of safety signage? 
  • Red is for fire prohibition
  • Blue for mandatory, i.e fire door keep shut, fire exit keep clear
  • Yellow for caution, i.e caution high voltage 
  • Green for safe condition, i.e fire exit signage, first aid, push bar to open on escape doors
What colour is a fire exit sign, and does it need the running man pictogram?  

Fire exit signage is a green background with white writing. Yes, it should have the white running man with the relevant arrow, up or down, left or right, or for final exits no arrow at all unless there are steps outside the final fire exit.

What is a photo-luminescent sign?

Photo-luminescent signage is used where there is a risk of light failure, and these glow in the dark to direct you to the nearest fire exit.

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